Ashrvad Vidya (Ahirvad – Blessing, Vidya – Technique) is an ancient technique from Vedic age to enable a practitioner to give blessings. Literally this technique means a practitioner of this system can pass energy to others to heal them and to fulfil their desires. From the Vedic time it has been seen many Siddhas, Gurus and high level practitioners have always used this power for the betterment of the society. Jesus, Buddha, Krishna etc. used this power in multiple occasions. Even in modern age these examples always exist.
A technique called sparsh chikitsa (healing by touch) is the backbone of this technique. The healing Ashirvad energy enters in our energy system every night during deep sleep.
By using Ashrivad Vidya one can pull this energy whenever needed. And also it can be used to blend specific sankapla (intension) into this energy to fulfill desires. At higher stages the practitioner gets the capacity to heal others, charge objects with specific energy, energetically clean places and so on. As the Ashirvad energy is conscious it can guide the practitioner as it develops.
Ashirvad Vidya enhances the overall energy of the subtle body one who does other kinds of practices also receives higher benefits from those practices faster. Also as this energy is filled with positivity and bliss it easily removes depressive, negative, sad energy and brings love, compassion, kindness and joy to life.
A person with initiation of Kundalini Shaktipat, greatly benefits from it. And the process of kundalini also gets benefited from this positive energy. Practitioners of all streams and levels can practice this technique and can change their lives. Although it uses mantras from Vedas it has no conflict with any religion or belief. It’s a deep spiritual process given by the kindness of ancient rishis (saints) for betterment of human society. In Atharva Veda there is a chapter called Paundrik Samhita, inside it there is a section called Padma Sutra which is the origin of Ashirvad Vidya. During the journey from Vedic age till modern times this technique got lost even in India. After a lot of research and guidance from higher dimension Swami Somendra Tirth could re-discover it and brought this precious gift for the benefit of humanity.
As the process advances the practitioner can get the power to heal other from distance and even only by his power of thought.
As deeper the practice goes many deep mysteries reveal spontaneously which enables the practitioner to harness higher energies of other dimensions. It’s a pathway to a very elevated consciousness and enormous potency.
Session 1: Explanation, Sunday, Feb. 6, 2022 – 6 p.m. CET
Session 2: Exercises, Thursday, 2/10/2022 – 7:30 p.m. CET
Session 3, Questions & Answers, Saturday, 2/12/2022 – 7:30 p.m. CET
Session 4: Final explanation and guidelines when doing Ashrivad Vidya, Saturday, 19.2.2022 – 7:30 p.m. CET
Only bookable after completing the 3 month preparation course and the Shaktipat Retreat.
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✅ 1 year access to the members area

Swami Ishan Tirth is an ordained and initiated teacher of the Tirth Lineage from Rishikesh, India. He had a full Kundalini awakening and was in Samadhi for months. A few years after his kundalini awakening, he was ordained as a swami.
Because of his pragmatic nature and profound knowledge of the body’s energy system, as well as his ability to direct Kundalini energy into the proper channels, it is always an honor to work with him.
His guidance adds power to the exercises while holding the space for you to relax and unfold.