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To be able to join the Ashirvad Vidya course you need to have received first Shaktipat.

Ashirvad Shakti is a very mystic divine power by which every disease in human being can be cured.
It cures the body and calms down the mind. Anger, fear, greed etc get purified automatically.

Human beings in today’s world are always unhappy because of problems in body and mind. Nowadays there are many therapists all around the world who do treatment by Ashirvad Shakti and the number is increasing day by day. Ashirvad Shakti is the cosmic healing energy. It’s a very effective natural treatment system. It’s a very effective way to transmit healing energy. Once this technic is learnt the healing energy flows through the hands whole life. The technic to receive Aashirvad Shakti is very simple and easy anybody can learn it.

Cosmic healing energy is always flowing continuously every human being has right to receive this energy.

This system of healing is not something new; Lord Buddha used Ashirvad Shakti to heal people. In the life history of Lord Rama and Krishna also this kind of miraculous healing can be easily found.

Jesus used to heal people just by touch.

Many Muslim saints also had this miraculous healing capacity. There are incidents when people get healed by going to a Muslim Dargha or by touching holy objects. These all are example of healing by Ashirvad Shakti.

Ashirvad Shakti is not related any specific religion or community. It’s not something like a magic, it cannot harm anybody. It’s not hypnotism. It can be used to achieve positive things in life. It cannot be used to steal money or doing immoral things.

ASHIRVAD VIDYA Retreat – 11.-13.8.2023
is the vedic root of reiki system.
It is a system that can be used to heal physical and psychological diseases. It uses symbols created by Vedic saints and mantras which
enable the person to heal himself and to heal others.Only bookable after completing the 3 month preparation course and the Shaktipat Retreat.

It works by invoking cosmic divine energy called Ashirvad Shakti. It’s a healing energy that flows from the practicioner’s hand once he learns this
technique. The practitioner becomes the channel for the energy to descend from higher dimension and pass through him to the desired person. This energy can also be used to fulfill material wishes, remove obstacles, bring peace and happiness to life.

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Swami Ishan Tirth is an ordinated and initiated teacher of the Tirth Lineage from Rishikesh, India. He had a full Kundalini awakening and was in Samadhi for months. A few years after his kundalini awakening, he was ordained as a swami.

Because of his pragmatic nature and profound knowledge of the body’s energy system, as well as his ability to direct Kundalini energy into the proper channels, it is always an honor to work with him.

His guidance adds power to the exercises while holding the space for you to relax and unfold.

When you watch the session after signing up for the session about Kundalini, you might feel an increase in energy or even increased energy in certain places in your body by listening to his voice.

Enter your details below and we’ll send you the access to a free session about Kundalini with Swami Ishan instantly.

You’ll also receive the info when the next course starts.

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Bitte gib deinen Namen und deine Emailadresse ein um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Kurs startet.

Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

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Bitte gib deinen Namen und deine Emailadresse ein um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Kurs startet.

Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

Please check your email inbox for the confirmation email with the free session!

Bitte gib deinen Namen und deine Emailadresse ein um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Kurs startet.

Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

Please check your email inbox for the confirmation email with the free session!

Bitte gib deinen Namen und deine Emailadresse ein um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Kurs startet.

Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

Please check your email inbox for the confirmation email with the free session!