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3 Month Course – Preparation for Kundalini Awakening
6 sessions with in-depth explanations, meditations and energy activations

✅ Group conversation recordings
✅ Telegram group
✅ 1 year access to the members area

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Swami Ishan Tirth is an ordinated and initiated teacher of the Tirth Lineage from Rishikesh, India. He had a full Kundalini awakening and was in Samadhi for months. A few years after his kundalini awakening, he was ordained as a swami.

Because of his pragmatic nature and profound knowledge of the body’s energy system, as well as his ability to direct Kundalini energy into the proper channels, it is always an honor to work with him.

His guidance adds power to the exercises while holding the space for you to relax and unfold.

When you watch the session after signing up for the session about Kundalini, you might feel an increase in energy or even increased energy in certain places in your body by listening to his voice.

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You’ll also receive the info when the next course starts.

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Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

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Bitte gib deinen Namen und deine Emailadresse ein um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Kurs startet.

Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

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Bitte gib deinen Namen und deine Emailadresse ein um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Kurs startet.

Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

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Bitte gib deinen Namen und deine Emailadresse ein um zu erfahren, wann der nächste Kurs startet.

Wir veranstalten auch immer wieder freie Sessions.

Please check your email inbox for the confirmation email with the free session!